Teacher: Rusty Kennedy Series: Philippians |
Rusty's Notes | |
- What a waste of time. And Hollywood will celebrate this.
- “Nothing matters”
- “If Nothing Matters, Then All The Pain And Guilt You Feel For Making Nothing Of Your Life Goes Away – Sucked Into A Bagel.”
- “Every New Discovery Is Just A Reminder…” “We're All Small And Stupid.”
Paul is exercising the spiritual mind.
- He is looking at things on earth from God’s point of view.
- As a result, he is not upset by things behind him, around him, or before him—things do not rob him of his joy![1]
12 Not that I have already reached the goal or am already perfect, but I make every effort to take hold of it because I also have been taken hold of by Christ Jesus.
- Paul is referring to his behavior… the things he does as being imperfect.
- He is not satisfied with his journey being imperfect.
- Paul has a desire for his flesh to completely line up with his spirit. He can see the difference.
- He wants to know Jesus better and to completely walk by the Spirit that resides in him.
- But he has taken hold of the one who is perfect and did things perfectly and learning to let Jesus do his life for him.
- Paul does not play the comparison game here.
- Paul could have easily rated his faith walk with those he knew and probably felt pretty good about himself.
- But he really compared himself to Jesus and knew that he had fallen short.
- So, what do you do? Focus on the past?
- Sit in your misery?
- “Forgetting what is behind” – my fleshly acts have already been dealt with and forgotten.
- Thank God for that… because if I did not have forgiveness… I would be sitting in the puddle of my past.
- My past is gone.
- And if it is gone for me then it is gone for my spouse who believes. I probably should let it go.
- And for all the other believers who I hold onto their past. “Well, I can forgive… I just can’t forget.”
- Paul says, “forgetting what is behind”
- “To forget” in the Bible means “no longer to be influenced by or affected by.”[2]
- My fleshly acts have already been justified.
- Even my future fleshly acts have been justified.
- I live in a state of justification.
- As in when a runner stretches for the finish line.
- Paul is not referring to salvation here otherwise that would contradict everything he has already said in this chapter… and would be based on works rather than faith.
- In order to run the Greek games, the runner had to already be a citizen.
- He wasn’t trying to earn his citizenship.
- He is pursuing God…
- “I don’t know how”
- You YouTube everything else… YouTube that!
- Listen, Brock Purdy (SF QB) is not going to get in the huddle today and say to his team, “OK guys, Coach has a great game plan, were just gonna stand here and let him do his thing.”
- Nor will he say, “Hey guys, forget whatever Coach said, we are going to do it my way.”
- “Here’s the play Coach called, let’s do it exactly as he taught us.”
- “mature” – those who are perfect!
- My journey ahead is God revealing things to me in my thinking and doing.
- “I make every effort”
- I want my journey to move forward… not satisfied.
- I study, I learn, I try to eat better, I try to exercise, I move forward by taking a step, I get out of bed… and sometimes it is really really hard.
- I mean… there is something inside of me that is telling me not to. I battle in my head.
- But two things… I know my perfected Spirit is leading me and convicting of the goodness now and ahead.
- And the second thing is, I am hopefully surrounded by a community that is echoing the same thing.
- For me, I am blessed with an earthly partner on this journey… I realize it is not the same for everyone in this room.
- It’s not my kids! It’s my wife. My kids left me… as they should!
- But my second encourager is my wife… after the Spirit.
- Then hopefully my kids, my friends, and the Church.
- The world would be a bonus but I am not dependent on that because we have been set apart from that!
- That is… we are already sanctified. Past tense!
- But wait… what!?!
- You mean my self-assessment may not be true?
- The churches in Revelation… Samson…
- You should live up to whatever truth we have attained.
- Trust what you know!!!
- What do you know?
- I know my perfected Spirit is leading me and convicting of the goodness now and ahead.
- This is where we have to “Zoom out”.
- Hang out with the like-minded and pay attention to how they pursue Jesus.
- We are not perfect in our behavior, but we pursue the perfect behavior by trusting Jesus.
- Paul is weeping as he writes this letter.
- Just thinking about those who oppose him upsets his stomach.
- Most likely referring to the Judaizers.
- Dietary restrictions and focus on attaining wealth.
- We are no longer citizens of this world.
- We don’t think like the world.
- Don’t expect us to act like the world.
- Don’t expect us to be accepted by the world.
- A glorified body awaits us.
- Don’t ask me what that looks like, how old it is or what it will eat!
- I don’t know!
1 So then, my dearly loved and longed for brothers and sisters, my joy and crown, in this manner stand firm in the Lord, dear friends. [4]
- Paul loved the Church at Philippi and just wanted to be with them.
- But since he couldn’t be there…
- Trust what you know…
[1] Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 2, p. 88). Victor Books.
[2] Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 2, p. 89). Victor Books.
[3] Christian Standard Bible (Php 3:12–21). (2020). Holman Bible Publishers.
[4] Christian Standard Bible (Php 4). (2020). Holman Bible Publishers.