Teacher: Rusty Kennedy Series: 2 Corinthians & Acts |
Rusty's Notes | |
- As Paul has been winding his way to the end of this letter, he is expressing a form of accountability that we are all familiar with.
1 This is the third time I am coming to you.
- Acts 18:1-11 - This was the trip to Corinth in 50 AD when Paul founded the church.
- Remember, he stayed there for about eighteen months that time and ministered in the city.
- Paul wrote his 1st letter to the Church in Thessalonica during that stay.
- 2 Corinthians 2:1-2 - The second trip that he alludes to here was the painful visit in the spring of ad 54, growing out of Timothy’s visit, when he went over and he found that things were not going well.
- Deuteronomy 19:15 - In context, this is as people are being taught about life in the promised land.
- Paul is expressing the idea of accountability here.
- He is warning them that he is coming to deal with those who are still refusing to repent of their sin.
- “You wait until your Dad gets home.”
- I’m coming to kick butt.
- I have used this approach many times over my years in ministry.
- “You want to see Christ working in me? OK, I’ll show you!!!”
- OK… so what does this “accountability” look like when Paul actually comes to town?
- It looks like everything Paul has been teaching previously in this letter.
- He comes in weakness rather than his own fleshly strength.
- He comes in God’s strength… which is Romans 2:4 - Or do you despise the riches of his kindness, restraint, and patience, not recognizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?[1]
- Every time I come to a brother/sister in Jesus, I come with a humble heart.
- Will they give me their ear? Not if I come in condemnation… but in grace.
- I don’t avoid the hard conversation of their sin… it is what is… but I come with the Good News of forgiveness and repentance.
- I am absolutely positive this is how Paul approached those who were still struggling with walking by faith.
- He reminded them of their identity in Christ.
- What does that mean that “Jesus is in you”?
- If he comes with this exact message, he will be different than all the others who bringing condemnation.
- Then you can see that Christ is in us and we are listening to Him.
- Paul is going to walk by his flesh some times, but don’t let that distract you from what he normally does and what he teaches.
- This is the journey of all believers.
- It is natural for us to respond to the Truth.
- We have been given the ability to discern truth even when lies have been disguised as truth.
- As we mature in our spiritual growth, we are able to see things in light of the Spirit that resides in us.
- You see what Paul… and this ministry does here.
- At the same time that we pointing out flesh patterns, we are expressing truth to them and confirming the faith they already have.
- We just keep reminding them who they really are.
- Paul would much rather have them see this truth in this letter rather than have to come and actually say it to their face.
- But sometimes you just have to have the face to face conversations.
- This letter is the result of dealing with a dysfunctional church but also encouraging them in their faith and maturity.
- This is a normal Middle Eastern greeting and goodbye.
- The fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
- This is a byproduct of walking by the Spirit together as a community.
1 After the uproar was over, Paul sent for the disciples, encouraged them, and after saying farewell, departed to go to Macedonia. 2 And when he had passed through those areas (MAP - Illyricum – Romans 15:19) and offered them many words of encouragement, he came to Greece (Corinth) 3 and stayed three months.
- This would be the Winter of 57 AD
- He stayed as a guest of Gaius Titius Justus.
- We know this because during his stay in Corinth, he penned his letter to the church in Rome.
- He thanked Gaius for hosting him at the end of the letter.
- The letter to Rome was requested by Aquilla & Priscilla who are ministering in Rome.
- There are many foreigners coming and going from Rome and they had the opportunity to share the Gospel with them.
- They asked Paul to explain the Gospel clearly in his letter.
- They explain the tension between the Jews and the Gentiles (meat eating and holy days)
- Paul pens the letter to Church in Rome.
- 7 men plus Luke (author)
- These 7 men had brought Paul the relief fund for Jerusalem from the respective churches.
- They wanted to accompany Paul to Jerusalem.
- All 8 men went to Phiippi and caught up with Luke.
- Map of Troas
7 On the first day of the week (Sunday), we assembled to break bread.
- They meet on the 3rd floor of the insula/apartment.
- It’s lit with many torches and kind of smoky. (hot)
- Let’s actually blame it on the room conditions rather than Paul’s preaching.
- They fed the young boy!
- What do you think Paul talked about for so long?
[1] Christian Standard Bible (Ro 2:4). (2020). Holman Bible Publishers.
[2] Christian Standard Bible (2 Co 13:1–13). (2020). Holman Bible Publishers.
[3] Christian Standard Bible (Ac 20:1–12). (2020). Holman Bible Publishers.