Teacher: Keith Tyner Series: Friendship | 00:00 00:00 00:00 |
Keith's Notes | |
What determines a friendship? What causes one to continue and another to cease?
I believe a friend is an acquaintance you choose to be your friend. I don’t think it is contingent upon their agreement, but solely on your decision to be their friend.
When you see the word ‘love’ in the Bible, it can have a number of meanings based on the underlying Greek work. Two of the more frequently used ones are ‘Phileo’ and ‘Agape’.
Phileo is the same root for the city of Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. Phileo is the love of a brother or friend. Agape’ is this sort of love beyond most of our understanding and experience. It is an unfiltered, pure, unconditional love. It is God’s sort of love.
I have seen in people with Down’s Syndrome and my dog. But beyond that most will show glimpses of it, but there always seems to be a condition here or there.
My friend, Pete, is the topic of discussion today! Pete has been on my mind for years. He was probably in his mid-late teens when his life began to influence mine. He is an extroverted personality, a bit in your face, which isn’t normally someone I would migrate towards. As a matter of fact, his personality in his younger days was strong enough, I would have had to breath in and out slowly to even be in the room with him.
But he had an encounter with Jesus which revolutionized his world view and personality. His story reminds me to give room to friends and acquaintances even if they happen to disappoint you.
I don’t know if any of you have ever crossed paths with Pete, but I suppose several have.
The fact is, I haven’t ever met my quasi-friend, but I know enough about him to call him friend. He is also known as Simon Peter!
I may not have the sequence of events exactly right, but they are close.
It turns out Peter’s brother Andrew is the one who kicked the whole story into gear. Jesus’ cousin, John or John the Baptist was an eccentric soul. He lived in the wilderness and was a holy man. He encouraged people to repent of sin as the kingdom of God was near.
John had followers who the Bible call disciples. One of John’s followers was Andrew.
One day Andrew was hanging with John and Jesus was there. John pronounced Jesus the Messiah and Andrew quit following John and began following Jesus. Jesus began expressing His heart to Andrew and he was so excited he went and told his brother, Peter, ‘I have found Messiah!’ When Peter approached Jesus, He identified Peter and told himhe would now be called Cephas. And that is how Peter became interesting!!
There friendship must of have developed reasonably quickly as there is a familiarity described in the Bible. (John 1:40-42) Peter was probably in his late teens or early 20s and a newlywed. One of Jesus’ early ministry activities was in the city of Capernaum. One day after reasoning with the local Jewish people, He stopped by Peter’s house. Peter’s mother-in-law was there sick with a high fever. Jesus rebuked the fever, healed her and went about His ordinary business. (Matthew 8:14,15)
Another example of their familiarity was one day after fishing Peter was cleaning his nets and Jesus was trying to get some space away from the crowds who were mesmerized by his miracles and healing. He saw two boats and got into one of them which turned out to be Peter’s and asked him to take it out away from land a bit. Peter went along with the
After He was done speaking with the people, He told Peter to let his nets down into the water. Peter explained to Jesus, it wasn’t a good fishing day. They had been out all night and caught nothing. BUT I will do as you say and let the nets down. When he did this he caught so many fish the nets began to break! They signaled to their partners in other boats who quickly came and filled their boats with fish! They caught so many fish the boats began to sink! (Luke 5:2-11)
After this miracle, Peter and Andrew left everything and followed Jesus!
Keep in mind, Jesus’ public ministry was only about 3-3.5 years long. So this friendship began and deepened quickly!
And through the months of following Jesus, Peter and the other disciples watched up close as He lived in their presence and they were even sent out to tell others the Kingdom of God was at hand. Through this living together effort He instructed Peter and the others they would receive rejection and hatred, but to not be afraid of those who could destroy their bodies, but not their souls.
Can you imagine a friend emphasizing these sorts of thoughts to you as a teenager?
Shortly after John the Baptist was beheaded and Jesus fed 5000 with five loaves of bread and two fish, He was worn down physically and emotionally. He sent the disciples ahead of Him in the boat across the Sea of Galilee while He sent the crowd away, rested and prayed. And then as the evening was situated, be began walking towards the disciples on the water. (Matthew 14:26-31)
As you could imagine on a stormy night at sea, seeing a human walking across the water would terrify just about anyone. The disciples were no different, they were freaked out. They were crying and thought He was a ghost. He finally told them to take courage as it was Him.
As the situation was winding down, Peter yelled out, “Lord, if it is you, command me to walk out to you!’ Imagine that! Have you ever been on rough water in the dark? Would anything possess you to leave the relative comfort of the boat to step onto the water? Peter did it! He literally walked on water, until he didn’t! Then he yelled, ‘Lord, save me!’
And immediately, Jesus did. (Matthew 10:24-28)
Think about Peter. What would stir him to get out of the boat? What would Jesus think about Peter wanting to get out of the boat? Did the entire group laugh about that event at later gatherings? What was the conversation like --- ‘that one time when Peter walked on water…’
Once the boat landed and they went about their way, they probably had one of those pow wows. It seems like this might have been the time they were sitting around a campfire in Caesarea Phillipi talking about life and Jesus was sensing where the men were mentally with the whole thing of hanging out with God Almighty.
Then He began a deep conversation, ‘Who do people say I am?’ And after listening to their answers, He asked the pointed question ‘but who do you say I am?’ In all four gospels, the answer to the question was only recorded for Peter’s opinion. He said, ‘You are the Messiah!’ (Matthew 16:15, 16)
Jesus complimented him for his correct answer and told him only the Father could have revealed it to him. Jesus told Peter upon that proclamation, that Jesus is Messiah, He will build His church. Then He did something amazing to Peter, He promised to give him the keys to the kingdom of heaven! THE KEYS!!! (Matthew 16:19)
Shortly after the keys are promised, Jesus explained to the disciples how he would suffer and die. Then Peter took Jesus aside and began to rebuke Him for his prophecy. Jesus said, ‘get behind me satan’ in response to Peter’s proclamation. Can you imagine Peter’s thoughts at such a situation?
A week later took Peter, James and John on a mountain to pray. While they were there this supernatural event, called the transfiguration, happened. Jesus’ face shined like the sun and his clothes were as white as light. And while this happened all of a sudden Elijah and Moses were present. And the voice of God said, ‘This is my Son with whom I am well pleased, listen to Him!’ What do you suppose those 3 disciples were thinking at this
moment? (Matthew 17:1-3)
After a time settling into their new normal, Jesus continued to teach ideas to the disciples about His way of life. One day Peter asked Him, ‘How often shall I forgive my brother who has sinned against me, seven times?’ Jesus said at least seventy times seven times. Peter’s head had to be spinning processing this declaration. (Matthew 18:21, 22)
Before long the disciples are following Jesus to the Last Supper. They dined and discussed the days ahead. Then Jesus took up a towel and bent down to wash the disciples feet. As you might guess, Peter told Jesus He would never wash his feet. Jesus powered up and explained to him this either had to happen or his part with Jesus was over! So Peter said ‘wash my entire body!’ Jesus said, ‘nah’. (John 13:5-10)
While at the Last Supper the disciples got into an argument over who was the greatest. Can you imagine? The greatest ever was sitting in their presence, prepared to do the greatest act of love known to mankind and these guys are arguing which of them is the best! (Luke 22:24)(Matthew 22:26-30)
Jesus points out they have all just hung with God for three years and will have some long term privileges due to their friendship. Then He transitions to satan’s view of who is the greatest among them. HE also helps them know Greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friends. Jesus tells Peter, ‘hey, satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat. Once you repent, you are going to strengthen your brothers!’ How’s that for switching the topic from
the greatest. Who knows what Peter was thinking at this point. (Luke 22:31)
Peter then declares his loyalty to Jesus, stating he will go to prison and even die for Jesus. Jesus thanks him for his thoughts and points out he will deny Him 3 times before the rooster crows. (Matthew 26:33-35)
After dinner they head over to the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus is stressed to the point He sweats drops of blood and simply asks His friends including Peter to stay alert and pray for Him. When He repeatedly checks back with the disciples they are sawing logs. Jesus had to roll His eyes at their weakness. (Mark 14:33-41)
And as Judas betrays Jesus the crowd of nearly 600 comes to arrest Him. Peter is ready to die for Jesus and cuts the ear off of one of the 600. Jesus picks it up and heals it and offers Himself humbly to fulfill His mission. (Mark 14:47, John 18:10, 11)
Peter follows Jesus into the mock trial and watches from a distance. There isn’t much evidence of any of the other disciples sticking so close to the action. In this effort Peter was close enough he could be repeatedly accused of being a follower of Jesus. He was able to deny Jesus three time just as the rooster crowed. Peter wept bitterly! Can you imagine the inner turmoil brewing inside young Peter? (Matthew 26:69-75)
After the crucifixion and resurrection, Peter ran to the tomb to see if it was true. He had to be winded and probably had no idea what this amazing feat meant or how to reconcile it in his mind. But Jesus took care of that and found the disciples and began to explain some of the things they needed to know. They had to be amazed, overwhelmed and blown away! (Luke 24:12)
As Peter tried to process all of this, he told the other disciples, I’m going fishing. Several said, ‘we’re going with you!’ It makes all the sense in the world, Peter returned to what he knew. What? Was he 22-25 years old and just witnessed world history first hand!! Guess what they caught that night? NOTHING!!! (John 21:2-13)
Jesus was on shore grilling some breakfast for the boys. He yelled out at them, ‘hey, I’m betting I know what you caught! NOTHING! Cast your nets on the other side!’ Of course He did. What HAPPENED? They caught so many fish they couldn't bring the net in!! Peter threw himself in the sea and swam to Jesus!! They had a feast!!
After breakfast Jesus asked Peter 3 questions! (John 21:15-17)
1) Do you agape’ love me?
2)Do you agape’ love me?
3)Do you phileo love me?
Peter was grieved and this was their story!
Here is my take on their friendship. Peter was a loose cannon. He would try, say or do anything to show Jesus he was all in. But he was weak. He lacked a power you and I possess; God’s Spirit. Peter would waffle back and forth in his efforts.
So when this final dialogue about Peter’s love happened. I believe it was Jesus validating Peter. Peter you were proud and did things from your own strength throughout this entire story. But here you have finally realized agape’ love is outside your power. You wouldn’t promise me something which you couldn’t fulfill.
Peter knew Jesus laid down His life to be his friend. That was agape’ and it was impossible for him without something else. He was able to honestly answer Jesus!! You are a loyal friend. You will agape’ love me, but it won’t happen until Pentecost when my Love is poured out in your heart! Then agape’ will be your normal way! I am proud of
you, my friend!