Teacher: Rusty Kennedy Series: Ephesians |
Rusty's Notes | |
- Paul continues discussing "submission" from 5:21 - "submitting to one another in the fear of Christ."
6 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, because this is right.
- Here is harmony in the home:
- the wife submits to the husband “as unto Christ”;
- the husband loves his wife “even as Christ also loved the church”;
- and the children obey “in the Lord.”[1]
- "Children" - Not only a reference to young age but referring to those living in the same household with the parents having authority over them.
- "obey" - listen, pay attention, answer, respond and submit.
- "in the Lord" - Godly parents with godly behavior. This defines the sphere in which the obedience is to move
- In context. - It is not required or expected for a child to obey when the parental wishes lead to a sinful behavior.
- "right" - agrees with God's design for family and the relationship between the parent and child.
- "honor" - respect, courtesy and obedience. This comes from being placed in a God-given position.
- A child's response to their parents is typically directly reflective of how they respond to all relationships.
- If they have a learned behavior as a child it will be one they will potentially struggle with in their flesh as an adult.
- The only way to overcome that is through spiritual maturity and walking by the Spirit.
- The "promise" is mentioned in verse 3.
- Exodus 20:12 - Commandment #5 - 12 Honor your father and your mother so that you may have a long life in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. [2]
- "go well" - God designed the world with a working order... if you work inside that order... things have a tendency to go well... percentages are higher than those who oppose the God-ordained system and have to deal with consequences.
- "long life" - not a guarantee for longevity but a promise that your obedient life is less likely to bring death because of logical consequences from sin.
- All parties must be filled with the Spirit so that the relationships can work as designed.
- Many times, one's relationship with their earthly father is a reflection of the person's thoughts on their heavenly Father which can be both good or bad.
- This is why it is necessary for the Truth to shape your perspective of God.
- 1) No performance-based acceptance (Titus 3:5; Romans 3:20)
- 2) Makes sacrifices for them and makes them feel special (John 3:16).
- 3) Never condemns their person (Rom 8:1) but corrects their behavior with a tear in His eye rather than a scowl on His face (Heb 12:5-11)
- 4) Never shows favoritism (Gal 3:28)
- 5) Makes decisions on how it will help... not hinder his children (principle of the cross).
- When you leave the hospital with your first born... "Where is the instruction manual?" Same as when they become a teenager or enter high school...
- "bring them up" - nourish toward maturity, to rear up.
- "training/discipline" - physical punishment (Prov 13:24)
- We can't rescue our kids from logical consequences.
- Everyone learns the hard way... take your lumps...
- Allow them room to fail and suffer the outcome within the season they are under your roof.
- "instruction" - Training by the Word, by both encouragement and reproof.
- Discipline without instruction can create an angry and confused child.
5 Slaves, obey your human masters with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as you would Christ.
- History of Master/Slave relationships:
- Before Acts 2, the Romans treated slaves as animals.
- The Master/Slave relationship had greatly changed at the time of writing of Ephesians and was widely accepted in society.
- Kent Hughes: "Ephesians" - The fact is, by the time of the Christian area and writing of this Ephesians, sweeping changes had been introduced which radically improved the treatment of slaves. Slaves under Roman law in the first century could generally count on eventually being set free. Very few ever reached old age as slaves. Slave owners were releasing slaves at such a rate that Augustus Caesar introduced legal restrictions to curb the trend. Despite this, inscriptions indicate that almost 50 percent of slaves were freed before the age of thirty. What is more, while the slave remained his master's possession he could own property - including other slaves! and completely controlled his own property, so that he could invest and save to purchase his own freedom.
- We also must understand that being a slave did not indicate one's social class. Slaves, regularly were accorded the social status of their owners. Regarding outward appearance, it was usually impossible to distinguish a slave from free persons. A slave could be a custodian, a salesman, or CEO. Many slaves lived separately from their owners. Finally, selling oneself into slavery was commonly used as a means of obtaining Roman citizenship and gaining an entrance into society. Roman slavery in the first century was far more humane and civilized than the American/African slavery practiced in this country much later. This is a sobering and humbling fact!
- Slavery was never condemned in the New Testament and was even affirmed by Jesus through His teachings.
- It was necessary to prevent economic disaster for all.
- It nowhere resembled what we think of when we hear the word "slavery".
- The Master/Slave relationship is very similar to our Employee/Employer relationship today.
- Believers (who know who they are) have a huge impact on the work society.
- They are the ones who truly understand the role of submission.
- They are filled with the Spirit unlike nonbelievers.
- They understand there is an intentional authority order to things.
- Mutual submission is the goal in such relationships, not a dictatorship.
- "fear & trembling" - respect and responsibility.
- "sincerity" - Singleness, purity and uprightness.
- Not by "eyeservice" - Try to please them all the time, not just when they are watching you (NLT)
- 1) Some employees like to just check off a list.
- 2) Some like to do things as if they were doing it for themself.
- 3) Others like to do it as if they are trying to impress their boss.
- 4) Paul is saying, "Do your work as if you are doing it for Jesus". Jesus came to serve.
- Of the 4 types of employees, which one would you want to work for you?
- Which one would you have to consistently check up on?
- Work from the perspective of what the employer will receive rather than what you will receive.
- Do you ever notice good workers... "I'd hire that person in a heartbeat."
- Many times you will not be recognized for your work...
- That is why it is important to have the attitude of rendering your service to the Lord rather than to your employer.
- Paul is saying that "good deeds never go unnoticed by God."
- Even if the employer does not reward you, God will!
- As the Christian masters of Paul's day interacted with the slaves, they were to display the same respect they expected in return.
- Again, only employers with the Spirit of God in them will understand this concept.
[1] Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 2, p. 53). Victor Books.
[2] Christian Standard Bible (Ex 20:12). (2020). Holman Bible Publishers.
[3] Christian Standard Bible (Eph 6:1–9). (2020). Holman Bible Publishers.