Teacher: Rusty Kennedy Series: Christmas |
Luke 2:8-15
peace – noun
1. freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility.
2. freedom from or the cessation of war or violence.
Bible Dictionary – peace - The state of harmony that is available to believers through having a right relationship with God and others and is especially associated with the presence of the Holy Spirit.[1]
Matthew 3:16-17
- The Spirit is likened to a dove, the symbol of peace.
- God said His Son brings peace.
What do you do when you come home?
- You look to see who is home with you.
- Can I tell you one of the crazy things about men?
- They like to be “shouldered”.
- They like having someone near them.
John 14:27
- Jesus distinguished His peace from peace as the world understands it: the absence of war on earth.
- Matthew 10:34
- What He brought instead was reconciliation between God and man.
- Matthew 10:32-33
- Paul concludes in Romans 5:1
Fear settles in when there is a sense that God is distant.
- Jesus knew He was leaving his disciples.
- He knew that fear was about to set in their thoughts.
John 20:19-23
Peace is the abolishment of fear.
Galatians 5:22-26
“How do I get this peace?”
“What does it mean to walk with God?”
Genesis 5:18-24
RA Torrey answers the question “What does it mean to walk with God?” - To walk with God means to live one’s life in the consciousness of God’s presence and in conscious communion with Him, to have the thought constantly before us, “God is beside me,” and to be every now and then speaking to Him, and still more listening for Him to speak to us.
In a word, to walk with God is to live in the real, constant, conscious companionship of God. We read that Enoch walked with God, not on a few rare occasions of spiritual exaltation, such perhaps as most of us have known, but for three hundred consecutive years after the birth of Methuselah (Gen. 6:22).
It is possible for us to have this consciousness of the nearness and fellowship of God in our daily life, to talk with Him as we talk to an earthly friend; yes, as we talk to no earthly friend, and to have Him talk to us, and to commune with Him in a silence that is far more meaningful than any words could be.[2]
Isaiah 26:3
John 16:33
- You will suffer… but there is still peace.
- Stick with Me.
Philippians 4:4-9
Romans 15:13
[1] Manser, M. H. (2009). Dictionary of Bible Themes: The Accessible and Comprehensive Tool for Topical Studies. London: Martin Manser.
[2] Torrey, R. A. (1917). The Voice of God in the Present Hour (pp. 245–246). New York; Chicago; Toronto; London; Edinburgh: Fleming H. Revell Company.