Teacher: Rusty Kennedy Series: 2 Corinthians (Acts) |
Rusty's Notes | |
- I start with asking the question, “What are you passionate about?”
- How does that affect your words or behavior?
- Paul focuses in on how he is weak in the sense of being persecuted, pouring his life out, [and] living a life that was really like a slave’s life in some ways in terms of the work he had to do [and] the type of life he had to live.
- And he does this “Fool’s Speech” to set his form of ministry, which is sacrificial, over against the false ministry of these interlopers in Corinth who are trying to stand up and present themselves as powerful people in the culture—people who have money, people who have position. Paul says that’s not really what Christian ministry is about.[1]
1 I wish you would put up with a little foolishness from me. Yes, do put up with me!
- The process that he uses here is basically a plea. In verse 1 he’s going to say, “Come on, guys. Bear with me. Bear with me.” “Work with me here” is really what he’s saying.[2]
- Paul wants to make sure that the Corinthians are doctrinally pure [and] that they are not getting off into theologically dangerous and destructive beliefs because of buying into the teaching of these false teachers.
- It’s actually the kind of jealousy where you feel very deep emotions because you are deeply interested in the welfare of someone.
- “You guys are not approaching this situation with these false teachers from a wisdom standpoint, from a biblical standpoint. You’re buying into their foolishness.”
- These are not valid Christian teachers who just differ with Paul in approach. He says that they are preaching another Jesus; they’re preaching under the influence of a different spirit, and they are preaching a different gospel than the true gospel.
- Often people use that word “tolerance” to say that we ought to accept everybody no matter what.[3]
- someone who did not have extensive training.[4]
- He points out here that what he is especially good at is communicating knowledge or truth.
- He’s saying that “Even though I have chosen not to use flowery rhetorical ability here, I have taught you faithfully.”[5]
- He actually uses missions funds from Macedonia to support his ministry in Corinth.[6]
- He does not want to be obligated to any power person in Corinth to promote their agenda.[7]
- If you want me to boast about something, I’m going to boast about the fact that I’m not taking money from you.[8]
- Well, he says, “I’m going to carry out a pattern of ministry that makes what I’m doing and my gospel very distinct from the approach of these false teachers.
- I want you to see very clearly that we are not doing the same thing.
- It’s not simply a choice between gospel ministry A and gospel ministry B.”
- Paul says, “Their form of ministry is false.
- They are false apostles, they are deceitful, [and] they are just disguised as apostles of Christ.”
- And he says this fits their character perfectly.
- Whereas Paul himself follows the pattern of Christ, these false teachers follow the pattern of Satan.
- You can have people who come and minister in a church, and they’re using the right words.
- They present themselves as really concerned about righteousness, and yet, when you dig a little bit deeper in what is going on with them, there are red flags there that point to the fact that they’re really not authentic ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ.[9]
16 I repeat: Let no one consider me a fool. But if you do, at least accept me as a fool so that I can also boast a little. 17 What I am saying in this matter of boasting, I don’t speak as the Lord would, but as it were, foolishly. 18 Since many boast according to the flesh, I will also boast.
- The process here that he uses is direct confrontation. He is saying, “You guys are doing something that is inappropriate.”
- And it’s really a beautiful piece of rhetoric that he is using here, and he gets into a bit of sarcasm, actually, where he is saying things on the surface like he’s applauding them, but really, what he’s doing is he is chastising them.
- He is really confronting them very directly with how bad it is that they are welcoming these false teachers in their midst.[10]
- A slave’s status was the lowest status in the culture—“if these false teachers eat up your resources; if they gobble down the resources that you have, then you applaud them. You think that that’s great. If they just swallow you whole, you think that’s a great thing.”
- So, in essence, in this whole section of 2 Corinthians, I think Paul is directly addressing that minority who are still interacting with the false teachers, and he’s really interacting and directing his comments toward those false teachers themselves.
- He never addresses them directly because he doesn’t want to dignify them, but he is always having his words aimed at those guys in the background.[11]
- Paul is identifying with the false teachers.
- They must be the Judeizers that have persistently followed Paul’s ministry.
- Now Paul distinguishes the differences between them and himself.
- Power vs weakness.
- Paul is presenting that he is superior because of his weaknesses… pure foolishness.
- This is the whole Gospel… it is foolishness to the world.
- Paul is dealing with anxiety because of his passion for the Church.
- What search committee would present Paul as a candidate for church leadership based upon this resume?
30 If boasting is necessary, I will boast about my weaknesses. 31 The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, who is blessed forever, knows I am not lying.
- Here is a man who had it all as a Pharisee.
- Gave it all up for a life of weakness and misery.
- He was beaten by both the Jews and the Gentiles.
- Around 400 AD, Augustine said there two kinds of pastors: those who cared for their flock and others who sit in it to gratify themselves by temporal honors and worldly advantages.[12]
- It happened in the early church. It happened in 400 AD and it is still happening today.
- Most likely, the ones who Paul is adamant against would probably never teach this passage.
[1] Guthrie, G. H. (2018). NT337 Book Study: Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. Lexham Press.
[2] Guthrie, G. H. (2018). NT337 Book Study: Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. Lexham Press.
[3] Guthrie, G. H. (2018). NT337 Book Study: Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. Lexham Press.
[4] Guthrie, G. H. (2018). NT337 Book Study: Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. Lexham Press.
[5] Guthrie, G. H. (2018). NT337 Book Study: Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. Lexham Press.
[6] Guthrie, G. H. (2018). NT337 Book Study: Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. Lexham Press.
[7] Guthrie, G. H. (2018). NT337 Book Study: Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. Lexham Press.
[8] Guthrie, G. H. (2018). NT337 Book Study: Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. Lexham Press.
[9] Guthrie, G. H. (2018). NT337 Book Study: Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. Lexham Press.
[10] Guthrie, G. H. (2018). NT337 Book Study: Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. Lexham Press.
[11] Guthrie, G. H. (2018). NT337 Book Study: Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. Lexham Press.
[12] Guthrie, G. H. (2018). NT337 Book Study: Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. Lexham Press.