Teacher: Keith Tyner Series: Bible Stories |
Keith's Notes - Proverbs Story
Galatians 5:18-21 ------------------------------- Take this wisdom with you Get to know the Lord and honor Him and you will begin to see your knowledge broaden. It is amazing how He gives you wisdom and will allow you to know and understand more things. And as this process unfolds, realize and thank Him for helping you in your ways. As you do this, He will make your decisions straightforward. If you had all the money in the world and could buy something, buy godly wisdom and get better understanding. The very beginning of godly wisdom is a deep desire to know Him. It is amazingly much like an athletic pursuit which improves with practice. As you gain wisdom, it rests deep within your soul. You need to realize, all that you do is visible to God and he cares and watches you as you walk in wisdom. Don't let that stress you out, if He disciplines you, it’s to help clarify your direction in life. His word will in fact light your way. And as you walk in your righteousness, you will constantly be guarded and delivered from trouble, often you will be unaware of his delivery. (What’s crazy is the wicked will end up in the consequences that would have been yours if you weren’t righteous!) Let God’s way be the focal point of your very existence. Doing things as He directs will allow you to experience a fulfilling life. His way is the way of nobility. Ironically, as you follow Him, you will end up before powerful people. Incredibly, as you walk by His Spirit, you won’t experience the deadness of the fleshly life. The distractions which can take you away from the easy road are fairly obvious, but sometimes seem more complicated. Pride will cause all sorts of calamities for you. Use as few of words as possible and stay calm. Guarding your words will protect your soul. Aggressively pursuing wealth is a bad plan, you may not figure that out until you have wasted tons of time. Fools continually do foolish activities, give them room and avoid participating with them. These are a few, but many other distractions can send you on wild goose chases. Again, wisdom allow you to protect and love your own soul and save you time, energy and stress. As you become more sensible in godly wisdom, you will avoid the folly mentioned above. It will enable you to use your words for healing and not destruction. And you will know the value of knowing God’s Word as a source of hope and life! Some of the results of walking in wisdom are favor by leaders due to your ability to be truthful and loyal. Ironically, you will find leaders baring their souls with you and you will find yourself in exalted situations. Your generosity will bless the lives of many as well as your own. You will better understand the way God hardwired you and that giftedness will make room for you in life. Finally, you will know He is the one who directs you to the spouse who is wired to compliment your personality. With all of these things, how could life get much better! Enjoy the ride and keep your eyes on Jesus! | |