Teacher: Rusty Kennedy Series: Acts |
Rusty's Notes | |
17 Then the high priest (Caiaphas – not Annas) rose up. He and all who were with him, who belonged to the party of the Sadducees, were filled with jealousy (passionately).
- Acts 23:8 - 8 For the Sadducees say there is no resurrection, and neither angel nor spirit, but the Pharisees affirm them all.[1]
- Jealous because the crowds were listening and following the uneducated men rather than the educated men of the Sanhedrin.
- But they were doing this to “defend their faith”
- The council was educated, ordained, and approved, and yet they had no ministry of power.
- The Apostles were ordinary laymen, yet God’s power was at work in their lives.
- The council was trying desperately to protect themselves and their dead traditions, while the Apostles were risking their lives to share the living Word of God.
- The dynamic church was enjoying the new; the dead council was defending the old.[2]
- Not just Peter & John this time… all of the apostles.
- Peter & John had not adhered to their instructions by the Sanhedrin in Acts 4 – Shut up!
- One should not miss the irony of their being placed in the public jail, i.e., openly and for everyone to see.
- Soon they would be unable to find these very ones who were so openly placed in jail.[3]
- Luke explains the breakout more in the next verses.
- The apostles received instructions from God via the angel.
- “Go and stand in the temple, and tell the people all about this life.”
- Somebody in here please show me what this looked like for them!
When the high priest and those who were with him arrived, they convened the Sanhedrin—the full council of the Israelites—and sent orders to the jail to have them brought.
- This was the next morning and they had no clue what had occurred during the night.
- The guards were standing so they were not sleeping.
- Clearly it said the angel opened the doors of the jail and brought them out.
- Not how did this happen but now what is going to happen?
- How will they be perceived?
- People have a tendency to not be concerned about specifics of a situation but more concerned about how it affects them personally.
- Timing here is everything.
- Not only did they bring them in without force because they were scared… but obviously the apostles went willingly.
- Why wouldn’t they? They get to stand before the Sadducees and tell them how they got out of jail… Angels!
- One more opportunity before the Sanhedrin to proclaim the miracles of God.
- The high priest as presiding officer began the interrogation, charging the apostles with two offenses.
- First, they had broken the interdiction of the Sanhedrin and continued to preach “in this name.”
- Second, they were determined to lay the guilt for “this man’s blood” on them, the Jewish leaders.[4]
- What the High priest avoided saying was:
- 1) Anything about their escape by an angel
- 2) He never would say Jesus’ name.
- This is a dangerous saying that has been quoted over by many people over the years.
- Most of the time it has been misappropriated and taken out of context.
- In their defense they presented the Gospel one more time to the Sanhedrin.
- The High Priest was worried that the Sanhedrin might even be killed because they were being accused of killing Jesus.
- But Peter & the Apostles were more concerned about saving the High Priest & Sanhedrin than getting them killed.
- The apostles give the Jewish leaders one more opportunity to repent.
33 When they heard this, they were enraged and wanted to kill them.
- Seeking the death penalty. – The Sadducees.
- Gamaliel was a Pharisee who probably did not want to see the Sadducees win any victories.
- He was a scholar highly esteemed by the people, rather liberal in his applications of the Law, and apparently moderate in his approach to problems.
- Paul was trained by Gamaliel (Acts 22:3).
- Gamaliel’s “counsel” was unwise and dangerous, but God used it to save the Apostles from death.
- That the Sadducees would heed the words of a Pharisee shows how distinguished a man Gamaliel was.[5]
- He didn’t think he needed much time to convince them… thus the “little while”.
- God will work out His will.
- Gamaliel used logic rather than emotion.
- He associated Jesus with two rebels which means he rejected all the evidence given by the apostles.
- Jesus was just another troublemaker to him.
- But the rebels never resurrected like Jesus did.
- “There is nothing to see or worry about here… it will dissolve on its own.”
- Gamaliel also refused to that we live in a fallen world and sometimes lies can prevail over Truth.
- But the Truth actually did prevail here.
- Gamaliel is recognized by the Jewish leaders as a distinguished scholar… but this doesn’t necessarily make him wise.
- Why didn’t he take what he knew (prophecy) and match it to what has already occurred right in front of his eyes… The evidence… again and again.
- They listened to Gamaliel and compromised.
- Deuteronomy 25:1-3 - 1 “If there is a dispute between men, they are to go to court, and the judges will hear their case. They will clear the innocent and condemn the guilty. 2 If the guilty party deserves to be flogged, the judge will make him lie down and be flogged in his presence with the number of lashes appropriate for his crime. 3 He may be flogged with forty lashes, but no more. Otherwise, if he is flogged with more lashes than these, your brother will be degraded in your sight.[6]
- 2 Corinthians 11:24 - 24 Five times I received the forty lashes minus one from the Jews.[7]
- How did the Apostles respond to this illegal treatment from their nation’s religious leaders?
- They rejoiced!
- Jesus had told them to expect persecution and had instructed them to rejoice in it (Matt. 5:10–12).
- The opposition of men meant the approval of God, and it was actually a privilege to suffer for His name (Phil. 1:29).[8]
- In the temple… they proclaimed the Good News (preached).
[1] Christian Standard Bible. (2017). (Ac 23:8). Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.
[2] Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, p. 425). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
[3] Polhill, J. B. (1992). Acts (Vol. 26, p. 166). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
[4] Polhill, J. B. (1992). Acts (Vol. 26, p. 168). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
[5] Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, p. 426). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
[6] Christian Standard Bible. (2017). (Dt 25:1–3). Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.
[7] Christian Standard Bible. (2017). (2 Co 11:24). Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.
[8] Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, p. 427). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
[9] Christian Standard Bible. (2017). (Ac 5:1–42). Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.