Teacher: Rusty Kennedy Series: 2 Timothy |
Rusty's Notes
- Paul is in prison in Roman
- Nero has been persecuting the believers in Rome.
- Believers are staying clear of Paul.
- No one came to support Paul in his preliminary hearing.
- Luke visits Paul and pens the letter for Paul.
- Paul knows his time is near.
- Paul warns Timothy about those who will fall away from the faith.
- Needs to encourage Timothy to keep discipling.
Be Strong in Grace
2 Timothy 2
1 You, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
- Be
- strong (dunamus = power) – empowered with grace
- We are empowered by Jesus… not our own strength.
- Continuous active cooperation & dependence with Jesus
- Thankful to be gone occasionally
- Keith, Matt, Terry and others are incredible at teaching.
- “Faithful”… not ordained.
- We do not test modern teachers by their popularity, education, or skill.
- We test them by the Word of God, and particularly the doctrines of grace as given by Paul.[1]
- You are encouraged to do ministry here.
- Hand off… Figure this thing out… Go… Go…
- We are in a spiritual battle. It is all around us.
- Stay focused… don’t be distracted with nonsense.
- Our time can be consumed with “good things”…
- Bump that up to “excellent things”
- Choose right priorities
- Romans were enthusiastic about their sports.
- An Olympic athlete swore to an oath at a statue of Zeus that they had physically trained for at least 10 months.
- "It's been crazy for me," Joe Jr. said. "I never thought you'd see a 55-year-old running back. I'm just proud of him. He made his mind up to do something and stuck to it."
- Planting and nurturing leads to a harvest.
- All three illustrations teach us that faithfulness is a huge portion of the formula that leads to reward.
- Caught vs Taught
- Avitar –
Neytiri: Why save you?
Jake Sully: Yeah, why save me?
Neytiri: You have a strong heart. No fear. But stupid! Ignorant like a child!
Jake Sully: Well, if I'm like a child, then maybe you should teach me.
Neytiri: Sky People cannot learn, you do not see.
Jake Sully: Then teach me how to see.
Neytiri: No one can teach you to see
- The mention that Christ 'descended from David' shows that Christ has messianic qualifications and is the heir to the glorious promises of God for David.
- “my gospel” – This message had been entrusted to Paul.
- The Truth is being distorted… among the Church… Facebook
- Paul had been the chief suppressor & oppressor of Christianity.
- Now he has suffered the most due to his gospel.
For if we have died with Him,
we will also live with Him; (positive)
12 if we endure, we will also reign with Him; (positive)
if we deny Him, He will also deny us; (negative)
- Great White Throne Judgment (nonbelievers) of the Judgment Seat (believers).
for He cannot deny Himself. (negative)
- Jesus will fulfill His Word either way.
14 Remind them of these things, charging them before God not to fight about words; this is in no way profitable and leads to the ruin of the hearers.
- What are subjects that are causing Christians to “split hairs”?
- Reformed Theology; Evolutionism
- What about Law & Grace
- Just as a construction worker can point out “bad work”… so can a teacher.
- Paul had already turned Hymenaeus over to satan in 1 Timothy 1:20.
- Get to a point where you can distinguish “religious talk” vs truth.
- Gangrene is described as a sore that eats at the flesh.
- Certain carryovers from their pagan religions.
- Spiritual resurrection – sinless perfection?
The Lord knows those who are His, and
Everyone who names the name of the Lord
must turn away from unrighteousness.
- We still have to make choices.
- Repentance – change your mind about your behavior.
- Those who become students of the Truth vs.
- Those who have a lack of commitment to study & even proclaim false truths.
- There will be a separation… not a salvation issue.
- Youth movements: Veganism, peace, etc. Passion, reformed theology…
- These questions are going to be brought before you…
- Calvinism vs Arminialism
- Law vs Grace
- Who grants repentance? God does…
- Through His kindness…
- Should I de-friend blatant sinners on Facebook?
- There is a difference between acceptance & teaching with gentleness.
- How will those who have a sinful nature or are walking in their flesh ever come to know how much Jesus loves them?
- How will the addicted ever come to know how much Jesus loves them?
- How will a left-wing liberal tree-hugging hippie ever come to know how much Jesus loves them?
- How will the staunch right-wing, good doing, 10 commandment card carrier ever come to know how much Jesus loves them?
- Why would the younger generation want to have anything to do with that type of religious condemnation?
- How do I engage them in conversation enough to intrigue them?
[1] Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 2, p. 245). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
[2] The Holy Bible: Holman Christian standard version. (2009). (2 Ti 2:1–26). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.